VOLUME 24 | * * All Arts News On the Web * * | June 11, 2020 |
ArtBits always features a calendar of the goings on of Franklin County artists. Check out these events around Franklin County. Each issue includes the entire text of our weekly newspaper column. STUFF YOU SHOULDN'T MISS
Franklin County's arts and music gatherings bring new opportunities, gossip, "show-and-tell" and occasional workshops. There are also booked and acoustic Open Mic Nights that feature music, readings, and more from the best new artists in Vermont.
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Inns, hotels, and other lodging can now book 50% of their rooms for guests or have 25 guests and staff on the property, whichever is larger. Indoor dining in restaurants is limited to the greater of 25% of regular occupancy limits, or 10 customers and staff; outdoor dining is allowed at maximum licensed seating capacity, up to 50 people. The rules don't apply to bars. All gatherings, indoor and outdoor, continue to be limited to 25 people. Less than 5% of the Vermont population has been tested. CANCELLATION (AND RESTART) NEWS
The state changed its 14-day quarantine limit to be more confusing than ever. Out-of-staters who travel to Vermont from a county in the Northeast with less than 400 cases per million population do not have to quarantine but others, especially those from high-risk areas, apparently do.
Vermont has canceled all county fairs, field days, and festivals for 2020. The 30th annual Summer Sounds concert series will return in 2021. 20/20 Visions, the Montgomery Center for the Arts Summer Art Show and Fundraiser, the Barre Heritage Festival, Bay Day, summer shows at Burton Island, Evenings at the Meeting House, the entire 2020 season at the Opera House at Enosburg Falls, the entire Enosburg Town Band Summer Concert Series, and many Young Tradition events have been canceled. The 99th annual Champlain Valley Fair will wait until next summer.
Although so many of our favorite activities won't happen this year, all the volunteers will stay as active as possible and this weekly column about the arts and entertainment around the region will continue to serve up live and almost live events and artists from around the region. Read all about it here every Thursday.
MILTON--The Milton Artists' Guild Gallery is open. They have shields for the front desk, masks for employees, and a strict cleaning protocol. ART ON THE WALLS
"The safety of everyone in our gallery is of the utmost importance, so we will be requiring anyone in the gallery to wear masks. We will also be limiting the number of people in the gallery to 15 people at a time to make sure that everyone is safe and can follow the social distancing protocol." MAG is not yet hosting classes in the gallery but will continue online classes. Find them on Facebook for more info.
ST. ALBANS--The Artist In Residence Gallery has albums of their artists online, featuring artist, author and illustrator Sarah Rosdahl this week on on Facebook
The Artist in Residence art cooperative features paintings, fiber arts, stained glass, sculpture, lamps, pottery, folk art boxes, scarves, hats and more by 40 Franklin County and surrounding area artists. It is owned and operated by the artists and sponsors. Click here for more info.
SWANTON--"I know why the caged bird sings." The Swanton Arts Council public quilt project continues on Facebook .
MILTON--The Milton Artists' Guild hosts a series of online seminars beginning with Instagram: Professional Development for Artists with instructor Caitlyn Kenney on Tuesday at 6 - 7:30 p.m. This beginner-level professional development for artists seminar will teach the building blocks for running an Instagram page for an art business. ART WORKSHOPS
The cost is $5 for members or $10 for non-members. Click here to reserve a space.
SWANTON--The Swanton Arts Council Writer's Group will meet via Zoom this evening at 6 p.m. IN THE SAC
The group meets on the second Thursday of every month. Members can share progress and join in the discussion about longer projects and anything else about writing, reading, publishing, and more. Email Becky Rupp for the meeting ID or more info.
ST. ALBANS--The Saint Albans Museum has created History from Home, a series of educational activities, videos, links, and other local history resources for online and at-home learning. HUMANITIES
Click here to start exploring.
ONLINE--The Vermont Humanities Council offers a Digital Book Discussion of The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. This discussion will be offered online through Zoom.
Call organizer Maureen Badger (802.766.5063), email, or click here for more info.
MILTON--Arrowhead Golf Course hosts Kyle Stevens for the Friday Night Live Music and Buffet on Friday at 6:30 p.m. The meatball subs buffet starts around 7 p.m. Both run until 9 p.m.
The buffet costs $11 per person ($5 for each child). You don't have to be a member; the public is welcome. Be sure to come early, usually around 6, to get a good seat.
ESSEX JUNCTION--On Tap offers Justin Panigutti on the patio on Friday and Eleven for a Summer Kick Off Celebration on Saturday. Both shows begin at 5 p.m. Call 802.878.3309 or email for more info.
ST. ALBANS--Twiggs presents Live Music This Weekend on Friday and Saturday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Reservations are necessary. Call 802.524.1405 or click here for more info and reservations.
SOUTH HERO--The Blue Paddle presents Carol Ann Jones and Jon Sochin on Tuesday at 6 p.m. They'll be there every Tuesday evening. Seating is very limited with lots of restrictions in place and reservations are a must. Call 802.372.4814.
With many venues still shut down, we have to rely on ourselves for entertainment so sing from a culvert. Record yourself on a barn roof. Paint your well head in barber pole stripes. OK, maybe not that. ALMOST LIVE ON STAGE
Here's a roundup for this week.
Young Tradition Vermont hosts a Pete Sutherland and Oliver Scanlon concert live on Facebook this evening at 7 p.m. Two of Vermont's fiddling folk heroes celebrate their unique musical journey from mentor and student to colleagues with this special live stream. It will be a two-man tune swap of traditional and original fiddle music with piano, banjo, guitar, mandolin, double fiddles, and more, topped off with close harmony singing. The concert will stream later on YouTube on the Young Tradition Vermont channel.
"Admission" is free but you can $10-20 donation to the musicians at PayPal.me/PeteSuth. email or find them on Facebook for more info.
Summer Sounds favorite John Bartus' Perpetual Island Tour played live on Saturday night at Boondocks on Ramrod Key. He will perform a new Social Distancing Concert Live from the Florida Keys in front of a live audience from Boondocks, thanks to Facebook Live every Friday at 7:00 p.m. Last week's special piano concert is here on Facebook.
Find him on Facebook for the link to this week's live concert.
Andrew Lloyd Webber will stream his musicals in the free YouTube series, The Shows Must Go On, every Friday at 7 p.m. for 48 hours. A new show begins tomorrow. Clips of famous performances and behind-the-scenes footage also appear on the channel beside the full shows.
Click here for Mr. Webber's YouTube channel for all the details and to subscribe.
The Zeichner Trio offers an evening of traditional Irish and Appalachian music live streamed on Facebook on Friday at 7 p.m. They plan to share some of their current favorites, from lively session tunes to poignant ballads with a blend of harp, fiddle, banjo, uilleann pipes, penny whistle, and voices in harmony. Tune in a little early on Facebook.
Donations are welcome but not required. Click here for the Tip Jar. Half of the donations will go to Black Lives Matter VT.
Carol Ann Jones could be live on Sunday with another kitchen concert. Check her Facebook feed for other events and maybefor this Sunday's kitchen concert.
Tom Caswell streams a blues jam live from his living room on Facebook every Wednesday at 7 p.m. He welcomes everyone to play some blues along from home. Find him on Facebook for the link to this week's live event and view last week's jam here.
Pascal Gemme, fiddle. and Marie-Soleil Pilette, keyboard, will lead Fiddle Hell Online Jam 20 on Wednesday at 5 p.m. They will focus on Quebecois tunes and songs. Open the live stream on Facebook and join the jam or just listen. Click here for the Tip Jar. 80% goes to musicians and 20% to Fiddle Hell for scholarships and expenses.
M. Gemme and his band Genticorum are planned instructors at Fiddle Hell in November.
The Havana Fairfax Connection features Vermont's own Nobby Reed Project in the LCATV studio. Toni Basante's "carnival of music" offers "happiness, joy and very danceable tunes." Click here for the one hour video.
Andy Hoadly performed classic, new and original songs in the famous Reversing Window, live at Twiggs on Friday. He plays his own mix of Americana, blues, rock, folk and country. View the music on Facebook
ArtBits features a quick weekly peek at library events in and around Franklin County. That popular feature has a page of its own at the Franklin County Bookshelf here on the AAC site at AllArtsCouncil.org/books. We also take an occasional peek at the bookshelf or night stand of the folks you know in and around Franklin County. Those reviews can be found on the ArtBits Bookshelf. ON THE BOOKSHELF
Good News!There are so many events around the region that we miss some of them.Be sure to check these calendars for what's happening near you ... |
Music!Links to the Summer Music series in Franklin County |
Dick Harper, Chair
P.O. Box 1
Highgate Springs, VT 05460
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